Brand new music direct from Montreal! “Willing & Able” is the debut studio collaboration from Vamos and Mile End Records producer Mike Robia, Zulu Records man Etienne Ozborne and Freedohm boss Sandy Duperval. A staple in their Summer sets at the likes of Pointe-Calumet’s burgeoning Beachclub and renowned after hours spot Circus in Montreal, the production is finally set for release to the public.
Forthcoming December 14th on Cube Recordings, the track offers an engrossing listening experience. The trio fuse a solid deep groove with a tight bass-line and a scintillating set of strings. In addition to her role in the creation of the track, the surface is also coated with a soulful vocal performance from Duperval.
“Willing & Able” is a killer old-school slice of vocal house music crafted with a distinct modern touch. This is a completely Canadian affair set to satisfy House heads from the four corners of the globe.
Follow: @mikerobia // @EtienneOzborne // @SandyDuperval