Introducing DSF. We had the pleasure of sitting down with the budding producer from Greece. Having released on labels like Flora and Break The Rule Records, he’s fast making a stellar name for himself. Get the lowdown on the project now via our Q&A session
WWD : Hi DSF, thanks for sitting down with us for a chat today
Hi WWD, it’s a pleasure being here with you.
WWD : What’s been on your to-do list this week?
A long list, With a family and 5-9 Hr job, there’s certainly a lot to do during the week. It all depends on my mood and priorities. After finishing a track in the studio, it’s always good for me to avoid the studio for a couple of days, i take that time off to listen to promos, new music ..e.t.c this helps get back on track and work with ease. Looking at this week in particular, I was able to finish off 3 new tracks
WWD : You have signed music on a few occasions to Montreal’s label Flora. How did you connect with the Flora family?
Last year i decided to move my productions to melodic deep house, thats the only sub-genre of house music that I like. After finishing a few new tracks, I started searching for a home for them and stumbled across Flora. After sending the demos, I was happy to get positive feedback from them. And so, it began. With the first release Kisses Under Butterflies, which was remixed by Tone Depth himself. After that I released ‘Always THere’ in the Flora ‘Vines Compilation’. From that day on, I’ve been part of the Flora family. I think they do a great job and are highly respected by the people.
WWD : Maybe it’s a secret, but it’s something we were asking this week in the office at WWD. What does DSF stand for?
18 Years ago, i had my first gig. On last minute notice, I only had one hour to decide the name. At that time I was really fond of Soulful House. So it hit me (D-eep S-oul-F-ul), and since then I’ve been stuck with DSF.
WWD : How do you get inspired currently to write your tunes?
I get inspired a lot by listening and studying new releases and promos, by analysing their structure, elements..e.t.c and choosing the parts I like best. So you can say that my main inspiration comes from the music of others. It might sound weird but that’s the truth! Whenever I listen to a track that drives me crazy, I instantly want to head to the studio because I’ve had already arranged my next track in my mind.
WWD : Can you share with us some information about your current studio set-up?
My set up is very modest one. I’ve been through many stages with synths, samples etc. The last few years, that I have decided that less is more (I consider that a motto for music as well). I prefer investing in software and virtual instruments. So my set up is composed of :
- Imac
- Monitors : Event Tria
- Soundcard : Audient ID4
- Mic : Rode NT1A
- Controllers : Ableton Push 2 & Midi Fighter
- Ableton Live
- Spectrasonics
- Native Instruments
- Air Music
WWD: Who are some up and coming Greek artists to look out for?
Im very proud of the movement of Greek artists. A Lot of them have span out with releases on respected labels and are well known for what they do. Most importantly are my friends, to name a few; Svaas, George X and Viel.
Also to add, Tone Depth. He is a Greek Artist that thrives abroad. We are all very proud of him. Trust me I am not trying to promote him because he is a part of FLORA.
WWD : Apart from music, what makes you happiest?
My daughter of course. Her smile is the joy in my life. The next thing that makes me happy apart from her is video editing, I am a trailer director-editor in a National Greek TV Channel. All my life I made music and trailers. For me one completes the other. I wouldn’t be able to choose between both, If someone asked me what I do best, I would say that I suck in music.
WWD : Outside of music – One change you hope to see in 2018?
I wish people did better and stopped spreading misery in the world. It sounds cliché but I am sick and tired of listening about war, hunger and misfortune. This affects my everyday life in a bad way. Other than that when it comes to my life I cannot complain, I am a happy man. On another note, I wish politicians here in greece were different, seeing Greece in a economic crises for 7 years in a row, has really affected the lives of many. We’re told everything will get better this summer, but no one really believes that anymore.
WWD : Can we expect more new music from you in the near future?
You bet. I write music all the time. I don’t know if that’s a normal thing, but I have a good time doing so. After all not all my tracks are released, many of them are free tracks for everyone to enjoy. So, yes more is yet to come when it comes to my music.
WWD : Cheers for speaking to us today DSF. Have a good 2018 !
Thank you once again for the invitation.
Follow : DSF