Fresh from the release of his debut album ‘Her Future Ghost’ on Cocoon, Tim Green joins us for the occasion of WWD101. The renowned DJ and producer takes us behind the making of the LP, his upcoming North America tour and the rest of his Summer plans in an in-depth Q&A session. And that’s not all, in addition he supplies a simply exquisite new mix to satisfy your aural needs. It’s all below.
WWD : Hi Tim, great to have you here. You’re North America-bound later this month, what have you got in store?
Yeah I love playing around North America. Ill be in Canada first, Montreal then Toronto on the 22nd & 23rd. The 24th in New York for my favourite party of the year – Ebb and Flo boat party, which I’m lucky enough to play every year! This year I’m playing alongside Holmar from Thugfucker. 27th in Phoenix, then the 30th back in LA playing with Marques Wyatt for his awesome Deep LA party! Plus probably another show still TBC.
WWD : Congrats on the LP – ‘Her Future Ghost’. It’s a very impressive release. Can you tell us about the moment you decided “yes that’s it, all done.”.
For me it was when I finally delivered the final mixes to Cocoon. I spent a long time back and forth, playing them out and tweaking them until I was really happy. It was a huge weight off my shoulders once it was done.
WWD : You’ve mentioned previously the idea of creating a film score for a non-existent film influencing the creative drive behind the project. Where did that idea stem from?
was a couple of starting points. Firstly Cocoon had been asking for a while if I would be interested in releasing an album with them. I was always hesitant on my side as I did not want to do an album full of just dance floor tracks for DJs that was not connected together cohesively. I wanted to do something special for Cocoon. So I needed a concept for it and a good direction. I finally came up with this film soundtrack concept – which really enlightened my imagination. Incidentally just prior, I had already written a couple of tracks that were very cinematic sounding to me. These tracks were the catalyst for the story and the rest of the tracks on the album. It was tracks 02, 03 and 04. They really started to create this visual idea and story idea in my head.
WWD : The artwork itself is mesmerizing. What does that represent for you?
Yes it’s incredible. Personally, much like the album story and details behind my track names / cue titles, I don’t like to give too much of a detailed opinion on what I think it all means. I prefer for people to have their own interpretation and take from the music, story and artwork what they want.
WWD : Were there any albums in the electronic domain that stood out for you beforehand as ideal examples of quality LPs?
Yes I’m a fan of the really good journey albums. I am an old school fan of Jon Hopkins and prefer his older albums to the newer stuff actually. Even though his new stuff is still amazing, the older stuff has more meaning to me. Like the Opalescent and Contact Note albums. Also of course Daft Punk’s first two albums. So many of Underworld’s albums are super special to me.
WWD : Of course, you have a very close relationship with Cocoon. What sort of role did the label play in the album process?
Their biggest role to me was how incredibly patient they were with me. They also gave me so much freedom to do exactly what I wanted to do. I actually didn’t play any of the music to them or anyone until the majority of it was finished. As It was such a cohesive album, I did not want to play the bits and pieces before it was ready. They were so patient for this reason and trusting, it’s incredible really that they trusted me and let me get on with it, which I’m really thankful for!
WWD : Will we see you at Pacha in Ibiza this Summer?
I think so yes! As far as I’m aware we are working out the dates. I’m playing Do Not Sit at Heart on 20th September too.
WWD : Do you have any other particular goals you’d like to achieve in 2018?
Yes I’m really trying to get back to writing some other styles of music for myself and possibly to be released. Long process though, but hopefully will have some stuff finished!
WWD: It’s great to have you on board for WWD101. Can you share with us a little bit about your mix and what one will find in there?
Yes very happy to do the mix! It’s really a selection and journey of tracks I’m into right now and the sort of sound I’m generally playing out in my DJ sets. It’s always a nice challenge to try making a journey within 1 hour as I usually prefer where possible to do sets at least 3 hours minimum. But I hope people can enjoy the mini journey within this and get on board!
Tim Green’s ‘Her Future Ghost’ album is out now. Buy here.