Times like these showcase the immense power of the musical community to adapt to the ever changing world we live in. While the pandemic has turned electronic scenes across the world upside down, we’ve seen incredible initiatives started to combat the effects of Covid both in and out of music.
“A Door to Nowhere” is the second release on Jim Rider’s imprint SIGNS. We’re at a strange moment in history where COVID-19 has had a profound effect on people’s lives, and the proceeds from this album will go to the WHO COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, helping those worst affected by the virus globally.
Tracks come from a collection of Jim’s friends and handpicked favourite artists from across the world.
We begin with Anjunadeep’s Limara, his track Angelica featured on their Explorations 11 collection and English producer has also featured on Lane 8’s label This Never Happened. Mechanism is a solid start to the album with tight, snappy drums are the basis for a smooth delayed groove and a simple yet effective bassline.
Next up is NYC based German musician Nhii. He has established himself as a leading talent with releases on Kindisch, Stil Vor Talent and Klassified to name but a few.
Nhii’s offering Orbital Angular Momentum is a cosmic journey created using his expansive collection of synths and hardware. It’s a real epic and wouldn’t sound out of place accompanying any space flight.
We travel to Argentina via Barcelona and Ibiza as duo Bodaishin (HMWL / Magician on Duty and founder of Circle of Life) and Invisiblem4n team up on Malohi. Tribal chants and plucked strings create a dark and organic atmosphere, a track befitting Burning Man.
We continue our journey around the world to Turkey and meet Gadi Mitrani. Gadi has blessed Lee Burridge and Hoj’s Tale & Tone as well as Seven Villas and his track What Makes Music is another melodic masterpiece. A simple synth lead layered with a natural bass and shuffling hi-hats keeps this one firmly on the dancefloor.
Ukranian DJ/producer Nikolina provides us with a sultry, deeper affair on Stay Up. Having previously released with Lump Records,Anna’s interesting bassline is met with sweeping pads, an evolving arpeggiator and twinkling bells.
We return to London next with Jim Rider (Kindisch, Tale & Tone, XYZ) providing the title track A Door to Nowhere. A plucked electric guitar gives the track a disco underpinning while string solos and flutes give it a distinctly eastern sound. Synths and marimbas throughout take the track into Todd Terje territory.
From London to Berlin next and mysterious producer NenaHalena (Stil Vor Talent / Elements). Sani Tequile is a percussion masterclass. Behind the project is a seasoned creator, musically described as Afro-Brazilian-Berlinian and the track is the perfect mix of humanistic fundamentals, dynamics and progression.
The closer is a beautiful track from another Argentinian duo, Facundo Losardo and Leandro Caceres. The soaring strings and operatic vocal on Anaan lead the track and are backed up by sweeping pads, a progressive bassline and relaxed drums. A fitting end to the album.
To celebrate the release, and its creators, we recapped the last few months with each of the involved artists.
Where in the world are you at the moment?
I’m currently in East London, I’ve lived here for around 12 years.
How has the lockdown situation been where you are?
It hasn’t been too bad in all honesty, we had fairly stringent lockdown rules to begin with, but apart from live events everything seems to be getting back to some sort of normality. London was the epicentre at the beginning but there seems to be local lockdowns popping up across the country now.
What’s been a positive silver lining for you throughout the summer?
I’ve had the opportunity to finish LOADS of music which has been a real bonus. I also think people have had more time to listen to music properly as they’re not as busy. Most of my biggest releases have come out over the last few months and have been well received, I’ve had lots of lovely messages from people and I don’t think they would have had the time or bandwidth to do that usually.
How can the dance music community come together to help in times of crisis? If you look back at the roots of house/dance music culture it was created as a form of escape for people. I think it’s really important to remember that in times like this. I’ve definitely found peace in making and listening to music over the last few months and that’s something that will remain constant in my life no matter what’s going on around me.
In terms of actions; in the interim before live shows come back fans can support artists by listening to and sharing their music, buying tracks (instead of streaming)… and vice versa, artists can support fans by staying creative, continuing to release music, live streaming (if you’re not bored of that yet) so it’s a 2 way thing.
Then as soon as clubs and festivals are allowed back buy loads of tickets for shows and go wild! I’m sure that won’t be difficult after being indoors for so long.
Where in the world are you at the moment?
I am currently in Ibiza. I have come here to a Yoga centre to clear my mind a little bit and plan things for the future!
How has the lockdown situation been where you are?
When the confinement situation began, I was in Andorra. Luckily, we have been locked up with 2 colleagues.. so we have made a lot of music. At home we only talked about our projects. There was a lot of exchange of ideas. We were listening to music 24/7. It was super cool.
What’s been a positive silver lining for you throughout the summer?
Honestly, I have found more positive aspects in the winter than the summer. But I think everything is positive. We can always learn from the “bad” things. When we find ourselves asking thousands of questions, I believe that this is an important moment in our lives in which, if we make the right decisions, our near future will be even better. The world was coming at 200 km / h. We needed a break. Hopefully we can all see the positive side of all this, and be able to take advantage of this time to create a better world, and better ideas to evolve the electronic music industry.
How can the dance music community come together to help in times of crisis?
I think it is a moment where there is something called “Ego” that has to disappear completely. We have seen several releases where the Record Label has decided to donate its proceeds to people in need. This is a beautiful thing that always happens in the worst moments. We need more people like that in the electronic music industry. Besides, I think it’s also time for artists to dare to release their music to the world outside of a record label. The artist should give the opportunity to people to value his music directly. I think there is also a time coming with many collaborations between artists, and that is good. The union is strength, always.
Where in the world are you at the moment?
How has the lockdown situation been where you are?
It was pretty bad at first but now it’s better, but they say the second wave might be worse!

What’s been a positive silver lining for you throughout the summer?
Artists can continue to make music and when everything opens support the smaller clubs and promoters with low budgets as well as the big events.
How can the dance music community come together to help in times of crisis?
Well I am thankful for everything I’ve got and the health of my family, other than that I am not positive about the situation at the moment.
Where in the world are you at the moment?
Well I am from Argentina.
How has the lockdown situation been where you are?
Here we are in quarantine, imagine that winter touched us with this virus, complicated but good.
How can the dance music community come together to help in times of crisis?
I think the best way to help is by making charitable streams, charitable compilations, depending on the organization where you want to send the money, there are many organizations that need it.
Where in the world are you at the moment?
I’m in Ibiza now.
How has the lockdown situation been where you are?
I was in Andorra during the quarantine and they handled themselves really badly, like a first world country!
What’s been a positive silver lining for you throughout the summer?
All sides were positive for me.
How can the dance music community come together to help in times of crisis?
We have to be a constant unit of conscious progress forever and ever, leading by example.
Where in the world are you at the moment?
I’m in the best place in the world, Ukraine!
How has the lockdown situation been where you are?
Look to my first answer!

What’s been a positive silver lining for you throughout the summer?
I have found my new wave of live and production.
How can the dance music community come together to help in times of crisis?
Make music together and support each other, even at a distance!
Where in the world are you at the moment?
I am currently living in Buenos Aires.
How has the lockdown situation been where you are?
Particularly I have been locked up for almost 5 months, since my father is older and I don’t want to put him at risk. Although for some weeks now, society has been taking the blockade in a lighter way since many people live with daily profit.
What’s been a positive silver lining for you throughout the summer?
Well, it is winter here now. The positive side is that I could spend more time in the studio and look for new sounds, something that perhaps in the whirlwind of my daily routine was not possible for me.
How can the dance music community come together to help in times of crisis?
Here, for example, many dance music references are providing music broadcasts or production interviews, which enriches the growth of those who want to learn from them and keeps us in constant contact.
Where in the world are you at the moment?
Laying low in my homeland Forest Row, a small village in East Sussex.
How has the lockdown situation been where you are?
To be honest it hasn’t been too bad here, country life is pretty basic, so lock down hasn’t affected things too much from the norm. With all the natural beauty here there have been plenty of things to do outside when the cabin fever starts to hit.
What’s been a positive silver lining for you throughout the summer?
Lots of time to produce and try new things out in the studio, I think its safe to say there should be a lot of good music released next year from across the entire scene.
How can the dance music community come together to help in times of crisis?
I think it’s a time to be patient. It looks like it may be a while before things get back to how they were. Follow the government guidelines to help flatten the curve and give science time to get a safe vaccine out to those who need it. For those who really need to party, do it outside, in smaller numbers, and do it responsibly.
Where in the world are you at the moment?
I am in my studio right now in the far eastern side of Berlin
How has the lockdown situation been where you are?
Lockdown has been a super productive time. Of course not at first with the adjustment to working from home. But I’m thankful it was only for around eight weeks until we could travel around again here in Berlin.
What’s been a positive silver lining for you throughout the summer?
A positive silver lining has been that, ironically i’ve been more in touch with friends and family through the pandemic. While people have had more time away from their daily grind, it has been a good time regular communication.
How can the dance music community come together to help in times of crisis?
……a loaded question, In short; By valuing our diversity, really empathising and compromising across the industry. Minimising toxic opinions which fuel divisiveness. Staying productive! The world needs our music to stay sane right now.
Where in the world are you at the moment?
As I received my artist visa last November I moved from Germany to NY/Brooklyn. Very happy with the decision, although it’s been tough in NY around April and May.

How has the lockdown situation been where you are?
I’ve spent the lockdown in NY. Actually I was quite creative and could craft a lot of music. I haven’t seen any friends since march till end of July, so I ended up making music most of the time. Besides that I have launched my patreon site, where I share insights in my productions, sample packs, synth presets and exclusive remixes.
What’s been a positive silver lining for you throughout the summer?
I could spent a lot of time with my girlfriend and we managed to drive around and explore NY State. But I also realized how much I miss djing, which is also a good thing. Traveling can get a bit stressful but after all, it’s so great to connect with different cultures and people. Maybe this is the biggest silver lining – to acknowledge that we are all in this together, all humans as one.
How can the dance music community come together to help in times of crisis?
I just posted something about this on my IG. The scene has to be resourceful and we have to do our homework. When we open the venues, we need to show the governments that we can handle the situation and handle it with care. The way humanity is handling live stock and abuses animal rights makes me think that this will not be the last pandemic we see in our life. So we have to learn and be prepared for the next one. Clubs, venues and artists will need to earn money with live streams. Labels and Artists need to earn more money with productions. This whole streaming industry is still very young, but it’s on us to lead and demand better royalties.

A Door to Nowhere VA
Release Date: Friday 7th August
Label: Signs [SIGNS002]
Track List:
1. Limara – Mechanism
2. Nhii – Orbital Angular Momentum
3. Bodaishin & Invisiblem4n – Malohi
4. Gadi Mitrani – What Makes Music
5. Nikolina – Stay Up
6. Jim Rider – A Door to Nowhere
7. NenaHalena – Sani Tequile
8. Leandro Caceres & Facundo Losardo – Anaan
Bandcamp : http://soundofsigns.bandcamp.com/album/a-door-to-nowhere