The rhythmic ripples of melody in ‘Modern Love Affair’ waft organically across the warm bubbling of the bassline, just like an early morning mist rising from the perfectly smooth surface of a lake: both are the same thing, just in a different state. In this track, Sascha Dive & Pornbugs boil down the emotive properties of harmony and the hypnotic potential of repetitive rhythms to an inebriating essence.
The bouncy ‘Modern Love Affair’ remix by Mihai Popoviciu moves through the elegant, all-encompassing soundscape of the original with flowing motions, creating equally powerful momentum.
The heavyweight, rolling vibe of ‘Lumina’ is marbled with an intricatenetwork of harmonies and echoes that seems to be alive inside the lively groove, frequently emitting bright, pulsing flashes of blissful ecstasy.
You can now listen to the full premiere of Mihai Popoviciu’s remix of ‘Modern Love Affair,’ exclusively on When We Dip. Enjoy!
Release Date: December 20th, 2024. Buy Here
Mihai Popoviciu: Instagram // SoundCloud
Sascha Dive: Instagram // SoundCloud
Pornbugs: Instagram // SoundCloud
Acker Dub: Instagram // SoundCloud